Axioma Stream: Integrating analytics for investments

Sept 11, 2024, Chicago

Join us for Axioma Stream on September 11, 2024, an exclusive event only for Axioma clients hosted in connection with the SimCorp Americas Summit 2024

When you join Axioma Stream you’ll have a full day of connecting with other Axioma clients, plus complimentary access to the first day of the SimCorp Americas Summit! Here you will experience amazing plenary presentations, a marketplace of tech demo and expert stands and the networking cocktail reception.


9:00 AM – 9:25 AM | Breakfast and Welcome Address

Allen Zimmerman, Head of Americas

9:25 AM – 10:00 AM | The future of Portfolio Management, today: The roadmap

Ian Lumb, Head of Analytics Product

  • What are the near-term and longer-term plans for Axioma product?
  • What are some of the new solutions and enhancements we can expect to see in 2025?
  • How will these improvements benefit portfolio and risk management?

10:00 AM – 10:35 AM | The next frontier: New developments in risk model research

William Morokoff, Head of Analytics Research

  • New equity factor research: sentiment, investment and non-linear effects
  • More accurate and responsive covariance estimation
  • Fixed income/multi-asset class risk models for portfolio construction
  • Modeling private funds in a total portfolio risk framework

10:35 AM – 11:10 AM | From AI to fixed income: Pushing the boundaries of portfolio optimization

Pam Vance, Head of Portfolio Construction Products

  • What are the base cases for portfolio optimization?
  • Why portfolio optimization isn’t just for equities
  • How AI can improve the portfolio optimization process

11:10 AM – 11:20 AM | Refreshment break

11:20 AM – 11:50 AM | Countdown to November: A practical guide to stress testing the US presidential election

Melissa Brown, Head of Investment Decisions Research

  • Review of stress testing best practices
  • How to set up a stress test for the US election – different policies, different outcomes
  • What are some of the other geopolitical red flags worthy of testing?

11:50 AM – 12:00 PM | Closing remarks

**This event is by invitation only, and final confirmation will be sent to approved registrants.

Why you should join Axioma Stream in connection with SimCorp Americas Summit 2024

  • Networking with +300 delegates from top asset managers, asset servicers, pension funds and insurance firms
  • Inspiring plenary presentations
  • Access to the marketplace with specialists and hands-on demo stands
  • The opportunity to network with industry experts, leaders, and your peers

Psst……want to join the whole SimCorp Americas Summit?
Register at the event website here

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